It's My Birthday, and YOU Get the Gifts!
59% Off These Training Courses, Books, and Libraries
When I turned 50, nine years ago, we ran the first Birthday Sale, offering a whopping 50% off my training products. Well, I turn 59 this weekend, and for two days only, you will get 59% off these items!
Watch the brief video on each one where I explain what you get. You can also go to the individual product page where there are more details on each. And then, very importantly, come back here to order to be able to take advantage of the special Birthday Offer.
Important: What to Do to Get Your
59% Off at Checkout
To select your items for purchase, click the Add to Cart buttons below. Then, you can return to this page to continue shopping, or proceed to checkout. To get your 59% deducted, you will need to type in 59 in the Special Code box on the far right of the shopping cart page. You'll then see your huge savings deducted.
The Smart Calling College- My Most Comprehensive Training Course
This is my most complete training course. Video modules and accompanying workbook materials and exercises take you step-by-step through the creation of your successful sales and/or prospecting call. Thousands of graduates worldwide. See the complete info page here but come back to this page to enroll to get your savings..
Who This is For: Sales pros, new and existing, who want a complete training program going through every step of the prospecting and sales call process. Also, for sales managers who want to train their entire team, and/or new hires as they bring them aboard. And, trainers who want to supplement/complement their in-house training, or implement it as their main sales training.
Everyday price is $895 per participant, but with your 59% off, it's just $366.95. Lifetime access, includes monthly live training webinars. (We've not offered this before at this price, and will not again.) For multiple attendees, change the quantity on the shopping cart page to the number you wish to enroll.
The Smart Calling Prospecting Course- The Complete Training Course for Placing Successful Smart Prospecting Calls
If you want to master prospecting, this is the course for you, taking you step-by-step through the creation of your successful prospecting call. Online audio modules (downloadable) with workbook. See the complete info page here.
Who This is For: Anyone who prospects for new business, whetther they are setting an appointment, or selling by phone, and want to do it successfully, without the "cold" calling. The focus is more on the front end of the call, whereas the Smart Calling College (above) covers the entire call more in depth, and other types such as account management, follow ups, etc.
Regular everyday sales price is $497 per participant, with your 59% off code, you invest just $203.77.
The Sales and Prospecting Mastery
Video Training Collection
This is an online collection of 30 online 45-minute+ training videos (originally delivered as monthly webinars) for my exclusive member's only Inner Circle Coaching Group, and Smart Calling College attendees.
You'll actually get 32 videos, since we're including free, the final two we're recording in 2018.
Sixteen of the training videos are me, personally delivering hundreds of how-to tips and techniques, along with slides that detail all of the word-for-word messaging.
I cover every part of the successful sales and prospecting call during these videos, along with a dose of motivation so you're fired up, and not deterred by no's.
You will hear from 13 celebrity guest expert presenters in these training videos, presenting their very best tips.
See the actual sales info page, including lists of the celebrity presenters, my tips, and a video with a sampling various tips and presenters. (But come back to this page to order and get your savings)
Who This is For: This training is ideal for managers who want to deliver ready-made regular sessions for their team that they can view or discuss, or for individual sales pros who want to build their mastery of every aspect of prospecting and sales.
Regular everyday price is $597. With your 59% savings code, your investment is just $244.77.
TEN YEARS Archives of the Smart Calling Report Training Letter
Every month for the past 30 years I have produced the Smart Calling Report (formerly the Telephone Prospecting and Selling Report) eight-page monthly training letter with my best tips, strategies, and best practices. And, we include guest columnists with their best tips on what's working.
In this offer you will get immediate access to the past 10 years worth of issues, 120 total. Thousands of tips, scripts, word for word techniques... any ONE of which could help you get in to and close that next big buyer.
See the complete info and sales page here, along with THREE actual issues you can read and download to sample the value you'll get. Remember to come and order on this page to get your savings.
Who this is for: individual sales pros who want the ultimate library of prospecting and sales training tips that they can reference again and again to find those golden nuggets they can use right now, and, sales managers, who use the Reports in a variety of ways to distribute articles, run sales meetings, plan their training, and more.
You are getting $1960.00 worth of training. The everyday price is $397. With your 59% savings code, your investment will be just $162.77.
Smart Calling Online Library of Over 2000 Text, Audio, and Video Training Lessons
This is simply the most comprehensive collection of material I have available. Over 2000 text, audio and video individual pieces of training. Some longer, some just a few sentences. All searchable to find what you want quickly.
See the detailed info page, along with examples of content, and extensive lists of what you will get.
(Note: You will not need to get the Smart Calling Report archives since most of that material is contained here as individual posts.)
Who This is For: The sales pro who wants the most comprehensive collection of prospecting and inside sales instruction available, all in one convenient, searchable place. And sales managers and trainers who want to make their job easier by having ready-made training at their finger tips, along with answers to pretty much any sales situation their reps will run into, all just a search away.
You are getting over $5,000 worth of training here. The everyday price, as you'll see on the info page is $797. With your 59% savings code, you invest just $326.77 for LIFETIME access. And, we add new material monthly!
Three Book Set
(actual physical books mailed to you)

You'll get my three classic books, "How to Sell More, In Less Time, With No Rejection- Volumes 1 and 2," AND the book that gives you my entire seven-step sales process, "How to Place the Successful Sales and Prospecting Call. " As a FREE bonus you will also get immediate access to the electronic copies, also a $97 value.
See the main sales page here and come back to this page to order.
Regular price $97.95 with your 59% off, just $40.15 (+ $7 US shipping) $47.15 total. NOTE: Books shipped in the US only. Non-US orders will receive the electronic versions only and should use the lowest button below to not be charged shipping.
Who These are For: Any sales pro or sales manager.
Multiple Sets: Why not get sets for all of your reps? And/or get a bunch of sets and give them as gifts, to either colleagues or prospects. If you want more than five sets, drop us an email at [email protected] with how many sets you'd like and we'll contact you with the actual shipping costs instead of being charged per set here.
Non-US Orders, Electronic Files Only, No Shipping Charged

No Risk, All of Your Money Back Guarantee
You risk nothing. If for any reason, or no reason at all you decide this isn’t for you, just drop us an email and we will promptly refund all of your money. And we’ll still be friends!
Give it a try. You only lose if you don’t take a look.