I am super excited to announce the opening of our new Smart Calling Community on Facebook!
This will be the place to get a regular dose of sales training and motivation, interact and network with other like minded sales pros, celebrate successes, share tips and best practices, pose questions and challenges, and, have fun!
I am going to be very active, both posting tips and videos, and interacting with members. I’ve thought about doing this for quite some time, and a confession here… what caused my hesitation is thinking about the huge commitment it was going to take to do it the right way.
Well, I’ve made that commitment, and my goal is to make this THE online place to be for sales pros. You can get sales information hundreds of places online, but you won’t be able to get what we have here anywhere else.
What also will make this special, exclusive, and valuable is that it is a closed group, meaning that members will have proven they are action takers, and serious about their success.
Most people who have already qualified have received an email notifying them, and will get their invitation when we open on Monday. You can see the ways to qualify down at the very bottom, and how to get in if you haven’t already.
Also, if you are not sure if you’ve qualified, or believe you have and didn’t get notified, just shoot us an email.
And also directly below you can see what the group is about and the exciting things we have planned.
OK, I look forward to seeing you in the new Smart Calling Community.

Community and Engagement- You will be part of a community of like-minded sales pros. As a group, sales pros are special individuals, and not everyone can relate to what we do. In this group you will be interacting with pros like you. You’ll be able to get ideas and share your experiences with sales pros in a wide variety of industries and situations. We know that we have clients and customers ranging from large sales teams and organizations, down to solopreneurs. And there are sales pros who might be part of a team, but work alone from home.
This is a closed, private community because we want people who have proven they are action-takers. And, who are familiar with my Smart Calling process, methods, and messaging.
If you have already invested in any of my courses, Inner Circle, are with a company that I have done client training for, or have invested at least $150 in my books and other training materials, you qualify. Emails notices have been sent, with clickable invites into the group to follow on Monday, April 16th.
If you have NOT received an email, and want to see if you’ve qualified, or if you know you have and did not get the notice, please send an email to [email protected] and provide details.
There are several ways to qualify to get in right now...
Become an Inner Circle Member. In addition to all of the awesome benefits of membership, you also will be invited to be part of the community. This is the least expensive option, as you can join today for just $1, and then there is a promotional monthly rate of only $39 that begins in 30 days. (We do ask that you commit to stay in for at least four months, although most members stay much longer of course.) See all of the member benefits and sign up.
Subscribe to the Smart Calling Report Training Tips Letter. Every month I put together eight pages of solid, how-to sales tips, messaging, and motivation. We also have guest columnists sharing their wisdom. Not only will you get each new monthly issue, you will have access to the past nine years worth of issues, over 110 of them. That alone is an over $1000 value.
Your investment for a one-year subscription is just $149 (renews automatically annually, we'll send you a notice at that time. Once you subscribe, you will still be in the Community even if you choose not to renew your subscription.)
Subscribe now for one year for $149