How To Follow-Up Effectively So You Move Prospects and Customers to Close More Quickly
Exactly What to Do and Say in Initial Contacts, AND On Follow-Ups to Get to YES Sooner
If you have ever struggled with getting prospects and customers in your huge follow-up file to move, and/or you're challenged to come up with something better to say on follow-up calls than, "Well, I'm just checking in with you...
I want to help you get more of your prospects and customers to YES more quickly.
Hi, I'm Art Sobczak, and over the past 30 years I've helped hundreds of thousands of sales pros--and those who didn't even consider themselves to be in sales-- to generate countless millions of dollars by phone. One call at a time. By being effective getting their prospects and customers to move through the sales process quickly, while minimizing stalls and resistance.
If you are OK in the area of getting people into an initial conversation, and you feel like you are qualifying and generating interest, but people then go silent on you or move at the pace of a snail on valium, you are not alone.
I actually was the same way, very early in my career as a new corporate salesperson right out of college, tasked with selling to owners of companies, and high-level managers at huge corporations... people twice my age.
You'd laugh if I told you the things I heard when people were giving me excuses for not making decisions, and I believed them! And those were the times when I could even get them on the phone again.
But, I quickly realized--maybe like you--that I had to do something to actually buyers to move to a close more quickly, IF I wanted to keep my job.
And I did.
It took some time. It took trial and error.
The result was that I soon became one of the top telephone sales reps at AT&T in my division.
I also realized that I wanted to do my own thing, and it seemed logical that I could share with other sales pros what I did on the phone.
And I did that too.
For over 30 years I've made it my life's work studying, testing, and teaching the mindset, processes, strategies, methods, and word-for-word techniques that salespeople worldwide use every day to pick up the phone, get through, get in, and move the process forward more quickly to sales, and get what they want in life.
What this means for you is...
You don't need to put in the 30 years, do the research, and waste thousands of calls following up with people who don't move or won't make a decision!
I've done the work for you, and I want to share it with you.
What Prevents Otherwise-Intelligent and Confident People From Moving More Prospects From Initial Conversation to a Quicker Close?
In all my years of helping people use the phone to get the results, the income, and the satisfaction they want out of their job, and their life, I found two major things as obstacles to successfully moving to close more quickly:
1. Not doing the most effective things in initial conversations, therefore not having effective reasons for following up.
2. An effective process and messaging for the successful follow-up call.
Which were the exact same things I worked on early in my career to turn my sales, and life around.
And I want to share those not-so-secret "secrets" with you right now.
Introducing the Audio Training:
"How to Turn More Follow-Up Calls Into Sales-- Techniques for Moving to Close More Quickly"
Just think if you were motivated...even excited every day, looking forward to grabbing that phone so you could engage with people who are also looking forward to your follow-up call...
... because you knew you had the code, the process and the words to use that got you both to this place, and the follow-up is the natural, successful next step in that process.
Think how great it would be to not have people seem like a hot prospect on an initial conversation, and then go into the Witness Protection Program, never to be heard from again.
Imagine the feeling of having something relevant, interesting, of value, and engaging to say at the beginning of a follow-up call, instead of, "Uh, I'm just following up to see if anything's changed."
And ultimately, having be a regular and expected occurrence that you predictably and consistently move people to close more quickly.
For some people that might seem crazy.
But not for the people who are doing it right now.
And within minutes you can learn exactly how they are doing it, so you will do and feel the same.

I have prepared for you a 56-minute audio training workshop that will give you the blueprint and the word-for-word messaging to first set up next actions on initial calls (the lack thereof is the main reason people ignore you later), and therefore also have more successful follow-ups that move buyers to close more quickly.
It is so common-sensical and non-salesy, you will wonder why someone hadn't told you this before!
If you have a product or service that truly provides value, and you believe in it, AND you can follow the methods, the process, and the word-for-word best practices in this training, you can get prospects to YES more quickly!
In this valuable training, I share with you my very best methods on moving the sales process quickly and how to follow up effectively. AND, I also interview several internationally-known sales trainers, plus an ex-CEO of a Fortune 500 company who tells us what works when selling to executives.
You Will Learn...
The six points of follow-up failure, and what to do to ensure effective, successful follow-ups.
What to say to get a solid, specific commitment for a follow-up date and time they will adhere to.
What to put in emails to cement the follow-up, and prepare them for the next call.
Exactly what to say on the follow-up call so you are not just "checking in."
The two questions you need to answer before you even agree to a follow-up.
What to say when someone wants you to follow-up more than 30 days out to get them to speak sooner.
"The Rule of 48," which is the optimal time in which to follow up.
What to do even have a chance at selling at the Executive level, and how to follow-up with them (works at ALL levels, actually).
What to do when they didn't do what they promised.

Your training is in audio format, available for you to listen to again and again. You can also download the mp3 to your mobile device. We do suggest you listen several times to engrain the methods and ideas so they turn into your success habits.
"You have made such a huge difference here. Our people sound so great on the phone. They love your material and it works."
Nancy Todd, Abatement Technologies
We know as well as you that there still will be the inevitable stalls, delays, brush offs and blow offs from prospects and customers. The key to success is being able to correctly identify them, and then how to respond to them so you can sort out the real buyers from the pretenders who will waste your time.
And, how to get people to feel a sense of urgency to act, sooner rather than later.
I've got you covered in all of these areas with the FREE BONUS.

See 50 Ways to Handle Delays and Stalls So You Get Quicker Movement to the Close
When it comes to delays, stalls, blow-offs and objections, there is a lot of bad information floating around.
Bottom line is, we’re always going to be faced with resistance. How you deal with it determines your success, and the height of your attitude. Many sales reps run and head for the exits upon the first sign of resistance, or they react in an adversarial way, putting on the gloves to defend their own position. Neither is a good strategy.
This ebook gives you 50 ideas and tips that can help you help your customers and prospects when you hear delays, resistance, put-offs, blow-offs, and objections.
You'll get word-for-word examples of exactly how to respond, without sounding salesy or cheesy, including some very unusual strategies--that work--that you can easily copy or modify.
You'll get word-for-word examples of exactly how to respond, without sounding salesy or cheesy, including some very unusual strategies--that work--that you can easily copy or modify.
A Bonus Added to the Bonus:
Get the Video Training Too!

Yes, as even another added free bonus you will get the 13-minute video of the training, complete with the slides of the word-for-word techniques you can use right away in response to delays, stalls and objections to get people to take action.
"I'm a wuss and I never knew what to say. However, after using your material, I now know exactly what to say, how to find out information, and not be blown off. So thank you!"
Diane Bogino, Performance Strategies, Inc.
Art's Methods Get RESULTS!
Over the past 30+ years Art Sobczak has helped hundreds of thousands of sales pros--and those who didn't consider themselves to be salespeople but needed to place calls-- to get more of what they wanted by phone. His processes and techniques are known as conversational, real-world, non-salesy, non-cheesy, and get results. His award-winning book, Smart Calling hit #1 on amazon in the Sales category on its very first day. He was given the Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Association of Inside Sales Professionals for his longtime service to the profession.

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