Your Success Relies on Regular, Consistent Improvement. Look at What You’ll Get for Just $1 Today
One-on-One Coaching With Art
Each month Art holds a call-in coaching day. On these days, during the designated time, he will open up the phone lines for members to call in and get 15 minutes with him to discuss whatever you’d like. He’ll review call scripts, discuss difficult scenarios, listen to call or voice mail recordings and give suggestions, give advice on breaking into that huge account, whatever you’d like. How valuable would just a couple of these sessions be? Now just think of what it would be worth to do that EVERY month!
Over an $800 yearly value.
Monthly Coaching and Training Webinar
Every month you will be able to attend Art’s live training session, covering 42 minutes of solid content. Tips, strategies, success stories, call reviews, Q&A, and every other month or so, a guest expert giving their best stuff. If you can’t attend live, no worries, the sessions are recorded and archived so you can access them at ANY time.
$948 Yearly Value
Smart Calling Report monthly sales tips newsletter
Eight page sales tips newsletter, packed with brief tips, longer tips, case studies, contributions from other sales experts and sales pros in the field. Every day Art is looking for the best what is being published on sales and prospecting, and he cuts through the BS and distills the best of the best. This publication has helped salespeople worldwide sell tens of millions of dollars worth of products and services. And you will get it every month. Plus you’ll get the past 8 years worth of archives!
$99 yearly value, and over $800 archive value
Plus more!
It’s harder than ever to get through and speak with decision makers. Except for those who know the process and what to say to get in and sell.
And you can get that, free.
Sales and prospecting expert, Art Sobczak, has just revised and printed his “How to Place the Successful Sales and Prospecting Call” 190-page paperback book. And he’s offering Salesdog readers one of first copies of the book, free.
Just cover the small shipping and handling of $7.95, let him know where to send it, and he’ll get it right out. (U.S. only)
This book covers Art’s Seven-Step proven sales process, and gives hundreds of actual messaging examples you can use right now.
He has sold over 10,000 of these at $29. But you get it free.
There is no catch. Yes, you are getting an actual, physical 190-page book mailed to you. No funny business. Just cover the shipping. Watch this 3-minute video and Get it now.