How To Find, Get Responses From, Get Through to, Create Interest and Set Appointments With, and SELL to New Buyers
WITHOUT Your Calls Being "Cold,"
Or Getting "Rejected"
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In the meantime, if you have ever struggled with actually getting someone to talk to you... had your countless voice mails and emails ignored, gotten the brush off from screeners, or quickly received the "not interested" IF you did finally talk to a buyer...
this could be one of the most important
brief letters you've ever read.
brief letters you've ever read.
Hi, I'm Art Sobczak, and over the past 30 years I've helped hundreds of thousands of sales pros--and those who didn't even consider themselves to be in sales-- to generate countless millions of dollars by phone. One prospecting call at a time to people they didn't know, who didn't know them, and weren't expecting a phone call.
If you need new business...MUST have new business, and you know that prospecting and using the phone is still the quickest and cheapest way to do it, but you struggle actually getting to even speak with someone, you are not alone.
I actually was the same way, very early in my career as a new corporate salesperson right out of college, tasked with prospecting owners of companies, and high-level managers at huge corporations... people twice my age.
You'd laugh if I told you the things I heard when people were blowing me off the phone. And then, the subsequent excuses I made for myself to avoid making calls.
But, I quickly realized--maybe like you--that I had to do something to actually get to buyers and get people talking to me, IF I wanted to keep my job.
And I did.
It took some time. It took trial and error.
The result was that I soon became one of the top telephone sales reps at AT&T in my division.
I also realized that I wanted to do my own thing, and it seemed logical that I could share with other sales pros what I did on the phone.
And I did that too.
For over 30 years I've made it my life's work studying, testing, and teaching the mindset, processes, strategies, methods, and word-for-word techniques that salespeople worldwide use every day to pick up the phone, get through, get in, and sell, and get what they want in life.
What this means for you is...
You don't need to put in the 30 years, do the research, go down in flames as much as I did, or ever experience reluctance to pick up the phone again!
I've done the work for you, and I wan to share it with you.
What Prevents Otherwise-Intelligent and Confident People From Getting Through to Prospects and Turning Them Into Buyers?
In all my years of helping people use the phone to get the results, the income, and the satisfaction they want out of their job, and their life, I found two major things as obstacles to success:
1. Not having a structured prospecting call process and proven techniques, while avoiding saying things that get them shot down.
2. Their mindset toward "rejection."
Which were the exact same things I worked on early in my career to turn my sales, and life around.
And I want to share those not-so-secret "secrets" with you right now.
Introducing the Video Training:
"How to Place the Successful Prospecting Call-WITHOUT
Just think if you were motivated...even excited every day, looking forward to grabbing that phone so you could engage with buyers who want you have...
... because you knew you had the code, the process and the words to use that got screeners on your side and put your calls through.
That piqued curiosity and interest so that prospects replied to your emails and messages.
That grabbed prospects' attention in the first few seconds so they say, "Tell me more," instead of, "I'm happy with what I have now."
Imagine the feeling of speaking with decision makers as if you were talking to a best friend.
And when you do get a no--which we always will-- actually having something productive come from it... possible new future business.
Plus, not being negatively affected by it. Instead, actually feeling good about what you accomplished.
Instead of feeling "rejected," causing you to avoid placing the next call.
For some people that might seem crazy.
But not for the people who are doing it right now.
And within minutes you can learn exactly how they are doing it, so you will do and feel the same.

I have prepared for you a 49-minute video training course that will give you the blueprint and the word-for-word messaging to get through, and have prospects asking you to "Tell me more," instead of "I'm happy with what I have."
It is so common-sensical and non-salesy, you will wonder why someone hadn't told you this before!
If you have a product or service that truly provides value, and you believe in it, AND you can fill in the blanks in this process, you can get prospects to say YES on your next calls!
You Will Learn...
Specific tips, strategies, and phrases to use with screeners to be helped through, instead of pushed out.
A little -known technique on how to plant subconscious seeds that get prospects who give you a no today, to contact you
What to do before calls so you don't have to place generic "cold calls."
Why most voice mail messages are ignored, and create resistance, and what to do instead.
Why to avoid talking about your product/service in the opening, or even mentioning a "meeting," and what TO say to get appointments.
A no-brainer, fill-in-the blanks opening statement template for prospecting calls that gets them interested.
What to say in the first 20 seconds of your call so you generate interest, not resistance.
Case study examples of horrible openings, and great alternatives you can use and/or adapt.
How to never be "rejected" on a call again.
What to put in your emails and LinkedIn messages so you get responses, and not get deleted.
How to never sound or feel like a typical cold caller or telemarketer.

Your training is in video format, with accompanying slides that show the many word-for-word examples and templates you will use for your own calls.
Also, as a BONUS, we are providing you the mp3 audio file you can download to your mobile device. We do suggest you listen several times to engrain the methods and ideas so they turn into your success habits.
"You have made such a huge difference here. Our people sound so great on the phone. They love your material and it works."
Nancy Todd, Abatement Technologies
We know that with all of the noise you are competing with in the market, it is tougher than ever to get through to buyers.
I've got you covered there too with the FREE BONUS.

See What Other Successful Sales Pros Are Doing Right Now to Get Through to Buyers That No One Else Reach
I surveyed my over 55,000 sales tips subscribers, some of the best-of-the-best in the sales profession, and asked them what they were doing to get through to buyers. Some of the responses I could not endorse, because they were too far in the gray area of ethics, which is unacceptable for me. But I took the very best ones and put them into this ebook.
You'll get examples of emails, voice mails, scripts to use with screeners, and some very unusual strategies--that work--that you can easily copy or modify.
You'll get examples of emails, voice mails, scripts to use with screeners, and some very unusual strategies--that work--that you can easily copy or modify.
"I'm a wuss and I never knew what to say. However, after using your material, I now know exactly what to say, how to find out information, and not be blown off. So thank you!"
Diane Bogino, Performance Strategies, Inc.
Art's Methods Get RESULTS!
Over the past 30+ years Art Sobczak has helped hundreds of thousands of sales pros--and those who didn't consider themselves to be salespeople but needed to place calls-- to get more of what they wanted by phone. His processes and techniques are known as conversational, real-world, non-salesy, non-cheesy, and get results. His award-winning book, Smart Calling hit #1 on amazon in the Sales category on its very first day. He was given the Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Association of Inside Sales Professionals for his longtime service to the profession.

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Order right now and you will be sent your link to immediately access your How to Place the Successful Prospecting Call video training and audio mp3 download, and the Getting Through to Buyers book.