FREE Live Training Webinar
“How To Use Your Voice To Instantly Get Your
Prospects to Like and Trust You, and be More Persuasive”
Wednesday, September 14th

2pm Eastern, 1pm Central, 11am Pacific
Free LIVE Training With Art Sobczak: Enter Your Name
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IT'S FREE: Join Art September 14th @ 2pm Eastern
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(Space is limited by GoToWebinar to the first 1000 attendees. Register now and arrive early on the 7th)
What You SAY in the First Few Seconds Causes Resistance, or Creates Interest
If you have ever had a voice mail not returned, been screened out by a gatekeeper, got shot down in the first 15 seconds of a call, or did not stimulate rapt attention in your listener, you will learn how to avoid those problems, AND what to say instead.
Free LIVE Training With Art Sobczak: Enter Your Name
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IT'S FREE: Join Art September 14th @ 2pm Eastern
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Here's What You'll Discover During This Webinar:
It is more difficult than ever to get the attention of buyers, and speak with them. The best sales reps avoid the mistakes that unsuccessful reps make every day, and employ Smart Calling strategies and tactics to get through, get in, and sell.
- What to do before calls so you don't have to place generic "cold calls"
- Examples of the common word-for-word mistakes sales reps make every day that guarantee failure and resistance, and what to say instead
- Specific tips, strategies, and phrases to use with screeners to be helped through, instead of pushed out
- Why most voice mail messages are ignored, and create resistance, and what to do instead
- Why to avoid talking about your product/service in the opening, or even mentioning a "meeting"
- A no-brainer, fill-in-the blanks opening statement template for prospecting calls that gets them interested
- What to say in the first 20 seconds of your call so you generate interest, not resistance.
- Case study examples of horrible openings, and great alternatives you can use and/or adapt
- How to never be "rejected" on a call again
- Plus much much more!
This is an updated version of a paid program we have charged $99 for in the past.
You can attend free. Register today!
Space is limited by our webinar platform so act now
Free LIVE Training With Art Sobczak: Enter Your Name
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IT'S FREE: Join Art September 14th @ 2pm Eastern
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Your Presenter, Art Sobczak
For over 33 years Art has helped sales pros say the right things to avoid resistance, create interest, and sell more. In this webinar he shows you how to craft exactly what you'll SAY to get through and sell. Art's most recent book, "Smart Calling- Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling" was named one of the Top 20 Most Highly Rated Sales Books of All Time by, and is used at the methodology for successful prospectors worldwide.
Free LIVE Training With Art Sobczak: Enter Your Name
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IT'S FREE: Join Art September 14th @ 2pm Eastern
We value your privacy and would never spam you